Dragonball Z
Goku and Piccolo team up in an effort to save Gohan from the Saiyan Raditsu. The
three battle it out in a frenzy. The advantage that Raditsu has over Goku and
Piccolo, however, is too much for the both of them. Eventually Raddiz beats and
tortures Goku. Gohan hearing his father's cries, gets enraged and shows his true
powers. This is where we see Gohan's powers for thefirst time. Son Gohan is
Goku's first son. He is a good natured boy and is polite to in every way.Like
his father, he has a heart of Gold. But unlike his father, he does not like to
fight. Gohan is mixed human and Saiyan, which makes him inherently more powerful
than his father. He probably has the most potential over all of the Z warriors
to be the strongest. But because he does not have the passion to fight, he never
reaches his true potential. This can prove to
The information in the paragraph was taken from http://www.geocities.com/mantisknight/Gohan.html |